Our Impact

Recent Highlights

  • We receive approximately 10,000 calls per year.
  • We conducted over 300 emergency shelter screenings last fiscal year and provided over 2,000 nights of shelter for survivors and their children.
  • In just one year, our new Community Advocacy and Prevention Services program served over 350 youth.
  • Our Community Engagement and Training Team reached 17,970 people through educational presentations, trainings, and awareness events last year.
  • We’ve supported 70 survivors through group counseling so far this year, expanding our group offerings to ensure survivors have options.
  • Enrollments in our Advocacy and Resource Program increased over 40% last year, as we increased our outreach and drop in activities.

How We’ve Helped

Over 90% of clients in our clinical program report learning to manage their symptoms or decreasing symptoms (such as depression, anxiety, and other symptoms of trauma).

TurnAround’s clinicians provided over 2,600 individuals therapy sessions in FY20.